
These People are AWESOME!

When we began our ministry in Gretna, I don't think we had any idea how important our volunteers would be.  The volunteers we have on both Friday mornings and Monday nights have not only become partners in ministry, but also great friends.  We have local pastors, parents, and college students who gather together to impact the students here in Gretna. We are so thankful for all of them and couldn't have imagined a better team on our own.  It is so obvious that only God could put such an amazing group together!

Last Friday night most of us were able to gather for an Ugly Christmas Sweater party...it was a great time to just thank our volunteers, meet their spouses, and just have fun together.  It was a night full of laughter, very ugly sweaters (or bags, see picture), and fun white elephant gifts!

As a wife, I have to say a special thanks to the wives of our volunteers who sacrifice so that their husbands can come volunteer for Campus Life. These women show such a Godly example to me, so 
THANK YOU ALL for your sacrifice!

Here are some pictures from the night and hopefully give people an idea of why we love these volunteers and why they are so AWESOME!

"I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now."
- Philippians 1:4-5