
A Year of Blessings

Even though some may think having a birthday close to Christmas isn't very fun, it gives me the chance to literally look back on my own year very close to when everyone else does.  My 23rd year was such a blessing, and although I often struggle with being thankful, there is no way I can look back on this past year and NOT be thankful!  

So, here are just a few high-lights from the year that God's blessings were so evident through:

Another year of life...Just being able to wake up every morning knowing that God has me on the earth for His purpose is something I want to show more thankfulness for this year

My husband...Brian and I completed our first year of marriage and are now on our way to #2 (it will be 5 years together on January 5th).  He is such a blessing from God and I am so grateful to be the person witnessing God change his heart in ways that I could never imagine. 

Love him

Family...we are so blessed with the families God has given us.  This year was a big one with two new additions to my side, Hudson and Crosbi, and a third will be added when my brother Jason gets married in May to his fiancĂ©e Amber!  These three additions are such evidence of God's grace and goodness.

us with Hudson and Crosbi Lu

Church Family...we began going to a church that is life-giving and guides us in how to be the body of Christ and live out our faith.  

Youth for Christ...Brian and I are so thankful to be a part of what God is doing through this ministry.  There is nothing more satisfying than seeing God change middle and high school students through His son Jesus and the fact that we just get to witness it is amazing.  We saw God working through the camp we went to this summer, through our weekly clubs, and through lifegroups.  I cannot wait to see what He does in 2013!


Graduating from college...for those who know me well, they know this was only by God's grace.  I am not exactly an advocate for higher education as a person who eventually just wants to stay at home with my kiddos someday, but I am thankful for the perseverance the Lord gave me to finish.

My wonderful parents at my graduation

Lastly, God's provision...I can't even begin to explain how much God has watched over and provided for our needs this year.  He provided for the ministry we are a part of, he gave me the part-time jobs that worked out just right for the time, and he provided for us somehow to pay off my student loans completely. The last is something that was such a weight and something that I only want to give God glory for.  When I saw the letter that said our debt was paid in full it gave me so much more appreciation for my debt that was paid on the cross.  I didn't do anything to pay off my sins, Jesus did EVERYTHING.

"And you, who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses, by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross."
-  Colossians 3:13-14

God is so good!

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